Jonathan Eugene Oats
In a not-so-distant future, Dr. Vennis Newborn was on a quest to unlock the body’s hidden potential and give the human mind a turbo boost. His partner-in-science was none other than John Oats, the plant whisperer and cell guru extraordinaire. Together, these madcap scientists concocted a wild plan: glue artificial cells to human DNA to kickstart a cosmic energy overhaul.
Picture this: they injected these sneaky proteins into the body's engine room—aka enzymes—tweaking the chemical cocktail responsible for energy production. The result? Less munching, more running on fumes (the good kind)! Suddenly, folks could go days without food or water, thanks to their newfound energy surplus.
But wait, there’s more! These brainiacs predicted that this turbo-boost would have minds buzzing with new ideas faster than a caffeinated squirrel...
Jonathan Eugene Oats is a small, curious six-year-old with a big heart and even bigger dreams. Despite being a bit clumsy and talking a mile a minute, he was determined to save the world, a world where everyone could no longer grow up. Jon faced challenges just like any kid, but they were far from ordinary. With a desperate heart he works very hard to find a cure for the tricky World Virus in the high-tech lab in Morriah City.
"Wow, this virus has been hanging around forever, making our brains super smart and our muscles super strong," Jon exclaimed, peering through his microscope at the busy blood cells.
Ava, Jon's close friend and six-year-old assistant, nodded while taking out frozen samples. "Yep, Jon! We’re dealing with all the ups and downs of never growing up."
"Exactly, Ava!" Jon grinned, excited. "The virus changes us on the inside but keeps us looking the same on the outside. Fascinating!”
"Yes, we've stayed the same age for ages now. Yep, yep, yep," Ava agreed with a giggle, petting Jon on the head.
"Oops, sorry Ava," Jon said, scratching his head. "I guess I sound like a broken record. I must get it from my father."
"Jon, your dad was amazing!" Ava reassured him, giving his ear a playful pinch. "And yes, you do sound like a broken record!"
They both laugh aloud until they noticed Desmond, a tall and serious eleven-year-old, standing in the doorway.
"Um, hi, Desmond," Jon greeted nervously, "Do you need help with something?"
Desmond didn't say anything, just gave them a serious look before walking away, leaving Jon and Ava feeling a bit puzzled.
"Desmond gives me the chills," Ava whispered, letting out a big sigh.
"Yeah, he's a bit intense," said Jon, fixing his lab coat, trying to shrug off the strange vibes.
In the grand city of Morriah is the famous and feared Alex Caldwell, a ten-year-old with a flair for the dramatic who keeps everything in check. Alex, dressed in his fancy burgundy suit, is in his office talking to his friend Teddy, a small brown teddy bear, as he gazes out the window of his metropolis.
"Look at my city, Teddy. I build and build again saving everyone from despair spreading hope across the land," Alex boasted, sipping on a straw of grape juice from a tall skinny glass. "I feed everyone, and now they love and respect me."
"You’re amazing." replied Teddy nonchalantly, never showing much emotion. He was Alex's close furry friend, always giving him an ear, never judging him, even when Alex doubted himself.
"Yes, Teddy! I'll keep building and everyone will come to live in my cities," Alex declared enthusiastically. "No more bandits or kogen or worries—just people living happily under my rule!"
"And if anyone tries to stop me," Alex added, his eyes narrowing, "they'll regret it."
Suddenly, Desmond, Alex's second-in-command, appeared in the doorway.
"Um, Alex, Jonathan Oats has an update on his research," Desmond said regretfully.
"Desmond!” Shouted Alex, shocked. “Didn't I say to knock?!" Alex snapped, annoyed by the interruption.
Desmond lowered his head. "Sorry, sir. Jon Oats has been working on the cure, but he's stuck again."
"Well, that's not much of an update, is it?" Alex rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe I shouldn't have listened to the Oracle, but time is my only enemy now."
He offered Desmond a grape he plucked out of his glass, but Desmond declined clearly frustrated with Jon Oats' slow progress. Alex ate the grape and flicked his hand at Desmond to leave.
As Desmond left, Alex sat on his couch, thinking aloud. "How long must I wait for this prophecy to come true? The Oracle's power is real, Teddy. She needed me, and that's why I trust her."
"But Alex, maybe the Oracle isn't as powerful as she seems," Teddy suggested. "You never needed her before."
Alex smiled. "Yes, Teddy. But with the Oracle, my plans are guaranteed."
With that, Alex looked out of his office window at the bustling city below, pondering his next move.
The experiment was a big success, and Vennis was really happy with the results. He called his work "Project Newborns." Using special cells they made, Vennis and John watched their human subjects carefully. They gave them difficult math and science equations, and the subjects solved them easily.
Not only that, but the subjects also became stronger and faster. Their muscles looked super toned! Even when the scientists gave them the flu or small cuts, their bodies healed very quickly. It was like magic!
Vennis and John were excited about their work, hoping would make life better for everyone.
In the lively city of Morriah, where Alex Caldwell reigns supreme, statues of him are everywhere you look! They're like giant reminders that Alex is the boss around here, and boy, does he take that seriously.
Alex also built Iron and Finnegan City, installing officials to keep things in line. Everywhere in these cities, are stone tablets, telling tales of his epic adventures—like the times he battled the Kogen, saving thousands from their control.
And Alex didn't just stop at building cities and putting up statues. Oh no, he also made sure to write down rules for everyone to follow, like how to behave and when it's time to play (which is super important). Every day at exactly 5 o'clock, a ginormous bell in Morriah's tallest tower rings out. And who gets to ring it? Two lucky girls named Annabelle and Bella, handpicked by Alex himself! They give that bell five hearty rings, and you better believe it's like the starting whistle for most kids to drop their chores and go wild. Some head to the playgrounds, others dive into video games or just hang out.
The children work together to enjoy life while following Alex's rules enforced by his guards, the Gressive. They wear all black uniforms and helmets and are armed with laser weapons. Often times they are a bit too eager to keep things in line, but Alex likes them that way.
Every morning, like clockwork, the Daily Food Retrieval Units set off on their duties. They scour old cities, towns, and leafy woodlands, foraging and hunting for critters. They bring them back to a large, fortified farming facility called Agriculture and from there they distribute the food to Morriah, Iron, and Finnegan City to enjoy.
Despite the challenges posed by the World Virus in other parts of the world, Alex Caldwell and his team of farmers and scientists, like the dedicated Jonathan Oats, have cracked the code. They not only managed to store enough food to feed everyone but also found ways to grow even more. With their combined efforts, life in Morriah and its sister cities has settled into a comfortable routine, far removed from the chaos of the virus's initial outbreak.
In the lab, Jon Oats was tidying up his workstation with unusual excitement. He packed his small briefcase and peeled off his rubber gloves.
"Okay, Ava! I'm heading out," Jon announced cheerfully, his eyes bright with anticipation. "Tell your sister I said hi!"
Ava looked up from her notes, surprised. "Jon, you're leaving already? You never leave this early."
"Yep!" Jon grinned, his voice filled with excitement. "I got a package delivered today, something really cool!"
Ava's curiosity piqued. "Wow, that sounds fun! What's in the package?"
Jon leaned in, whispering conspiratorially, "I got it from the Abandoned Lands. It's something I've wanted for a long time."
"Oh, wow. Must be special if you got it from there,” said Ava, whispering back.
Jon nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, it is! I can't wait!" With that, he waved goodbye and darted out the door, his excitement practically bouncing him off the walls.
Ava chuckled to herself. "What a silly boy," she thought, watching Jon disappear down the hallway.
Jon was in a frenzy like a kid escaping bedtime. He knew the elevator would dawdle at every floor, and he simply couldn't wait that long. Each step jolted him closer to the double front doors as he ran down the stairs.
But as fate would have it, Jon's coordination decided to take a coffee break. He tripped over his own shoelaces and papers erupted from his swinging briefcase like confetti at a parade. Mid-tumble, he collided full-force into someone's chest.
"Oof!" Jon looked up and found himself staring straight into the eyes of Julian—yes, THE Julian—the dangerous leader of Alex Caldwell's special force, the Vipers.
Now, the Vipers weren't your ordinary after-school club. Oh no, these kids were known for their antics in the Abandoned Lands. Stealing from Alex Caldwell was something they did exclusively. They were strong troublemakers, but Alex, in a stroke of genius (or maybe madness), hired them for protection and special missions, paying them in all the food they could stomach with a comfortable lifestyle.
As Jon looked up at the person he had rudely crashed into, his voice came out in a timid, apologetic rant.
"Oh, um, sorry about that! I really didn't mean to... It was so boneheaded of me," Jon stammered, scrambling to gather his scattered papers and stuff them back into his briefcase. "I should've been more careful. Really, I'm so very sorry for this."
“In a hurry?” asked Alex. Approaching from around the corner. He interrupts Jon’s frantic apology. “What’s the rush?” he asked, his tone curious.
Jon's mind raced. He couldn't possibly tell Alex about the package from the Abandoned Lands—he knew the rules! No deliveries from outside without approval, especially for Jon, Alex’s star scientist.
"Yes, Mr. Caldwell," Jon replied, trying to sound casual. "I, uh, have something at home that needs my attention. Personal projects, you know?"
Alex peered at him intently. "Really? What kind of projects?" he probed, leaning in closer.
Jon's eyes darted around, searching for an excuse. "Oh, just some experiments," he blurted out. "Nothing work-related, just, um, personal stuff."
Alex nodded slowly. "Well, how about I send a couple of my assistants to help you out?" he suggested with a smile. "They may not be as brilliant as you, but they can follow orders."
Jon's heart skipped a beat. "Oh, no need for that, Mr. Caldwell!" he exclaimed, hastily stuffing the last of his papers into his briefcase. "I'll manage just fine on my own."
"Alright, Jonathan," Alex said, his smile widening. "But remember, anything you need, just let me know. You've been invaluable to us."
Jon nodded gratefully, trying to suppress a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Mr. Caldwell," he said, gathering his courage to stand up and brush himself off. "I'll see you tomorrow!"
With a final nod, Jon hurried towards the exit, pushing through the double doors into the evening air. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself as his nerves finally relaxed.
A small breeze rustled through the streets of Morriah, carrying the sound of children's laughter as they played outside. Jon, filled with excitement, dashed out into the lively city, weaving through a group of kids playing a game of hide-and-seek. As he passed by, an 8-year-old girl with long black hair and overalls caught his attention. Her voice rang out echoing in his ears.
“Professor!” she shouts. Filled with excitement, she wraps her arms around his shoulders.
Jon grabs his briefcase, almost dropping it for the second time, and replies with a big smile as he sees his very spirited and encouraging friend. “Kozomi, my dear. How are you this splendid evening?”
“I’m excellent, professor! And you?! Have you been working on any new experiments? Boy, I bet there’s all sorts of cool stuff going on in your lab, huh? Oh! And what about the World Virus?” Kozomi is hyper and investigative, with a smile that is intensely big and bright like her beautiful rare purple eyes.
“Please, Kozomi, call me Jon. We’ve known each other long enough now.” He pauses, thinking about their relationship. “Actually, I can’t remember a day I haven’t spoken to you. Ha, you’ve really been a delight to see.” He smiles at Kozomi, thankful for her friendship. “But yes, I have been working on the cure again and unfortunately, I haven’t had a breakthrough at all.” he says, sighing.
“Don’t be upset, you just have to believe! I know you can do it!” Kozomi hugs him tightly, picking him up and squeezing his small, tiny frame.
"Thanks, Kozomi," Jon said, feeling a lot better. He catches his breath as she finally lets him go. Then Jon remembered his task. "Oh! Sorry, Kozomi, but I'm in a bit of a hurry. I’ll have to see you tomorrow."
Kozomi's face fell slightly feeling disappointed. "Well, if it's not about saving the world... maybe we could hang out! We can get a bite at Diapers and Pacifiers!"
Jon hesitated for a moment, thinking of the package he hoped was hidden near his front door. "Diapers and Pacifiers, huh? It has been a while since I've eaten there, and I can definitely use a break.” Jon ponders on his decision, tempted by Kozomi’s offer. “Okay, let's go!"
"Yay!" Kozomi cheered, grabbing Jon's arm and almost pulling it off. Together, they zoomed down the street, Jon stumbling, as he smiled, enjoying the moment of peace and friendship. With Kozomi and Ava by his side, he knew he could face the challenge of finding a cure for the World Virus someday.
As time went by, the two scientists noticed something really weird happening. The subjects were overheating, they had way too much energy! They couldn't handle it and ended up with brains that were more scrambled than a plate of eggs. Even though the subjects were voluntary, John Oats was feeling blue. He decided Project Newborn was too risky and switched his focus to making plants grow a whole lot easier.
But Vennis wasn't on the same page. He thought they just needed a little tweak here and there. He wanted to keep going, convinced he could make it work, but John warned him that messing with humans like this was a recipe for disaster. But Vennis couldn't resist the challenge. He kept tinkering away on Project Newborn, like a mad scientist, itching to try again.
The streetlights lit up casting a warm glow on the small boulevards and sidewalks paved with red bricks. At the corner of Hickory and 15th St, there stood a two-story brick building with a neon sign that read 'Diapers and Pacifiers'. One of the popular hangout spots for the kids.
Inside, the building was crowded and animated. Each wall had big TVs showing different activities—some had a lively kickball game from Iron City, while others played old footage of the Olympic Playground Games. These games were like the Olympics for kids, with events like tag, dodgeball, jacks, ring toss, 4 square and obstacle courses, all played by the best kids from each city. Morriah City had won the most gold medals a few years back and Alex wanted places like Diapers and Pacifiers to get everyone excited for the next round of games.
Diapers and Pacifiers was in Caldwell Plaza where kids strolled happily. They could eat at yummy restaurants, enjoy live music, watch magicians doing tricks, and plenty more. In the parks nearby, there were beautiful fountains with cool artwork they created. But nothing was more special than statues of Alex Caldwell himself, displayed like a hero! (He wouldn’t allow that.) On weekends, Caldwell Plaza was bustling with people, but Diapers and Pacifiers was a staple, and it was always packed.
They finally arrived and Kozomi swung open the glass door and scanned the room. Gripping Jon's fingers tightly, which looked like five little noodles, she dashed to the counter upon spotting two open seats almost dragging Jon across the floor. A tiny 2-year-old waiter appeared from the back room, sporting dim red shades, wearing blue jeans with no shirt.
Balancing on stilts and skates, he spun his arms and swayed to the bouncy music played by a popular DJ who came all the way from Finnegan City. With a few fancy dance moves, he twirled and ran in place, delighting the customers who cheered and laughed. The charismatic boy suddenly paused, lifted his sunglasses, and noticed Kozomi. Without looking back, he rolled backward and slid smoothly into the space beside her, leaning his elbows on the counter.
"So, what can I get for ya?" he asked in a deep, scratchy voice, taking a pencil from behind his ear and a notepad from his back pocket.
Kozomi chuckled at his antics. "Hey Red!" she greeted warmly. He had certainly raised the entertainment level in the room, and now he focused his attention entirely on Kozomi, clearly favoring her.
"Hey, how ya doing, Kozzy?" Red replied with a wink and a raised eyebrow.
"I'm good, thanks!" Kozomi giggled, glancing around at the bustling room. "Wow, Red, looks like you've got quite the crowd today! Not surprised, though—you always draw a crowd. And those moves of yours? Impressive!"
Red beamed at the compliment. "What can I say? People want to unwind after a long day's work. You know Mr. Caldwell, all work and then play."
"Yeah, I hear you!" Kozomi agreed. She glanced over at Jon, who was kicking his feet and bobbing his head, trying to immerse himself in the atmosphere. "Hey Red, remember the professor?"
Red leaned back against the counter, peering past Kozomi to see Jon. "Ah, the doomsday family heir," he quipped.
"H-hi," Jon greeted softly, waving with a timid smile and little confidence. Not everyone treated Jon with respect, but Red made an effort for Kozomi's sake.
"How are you doing, buddy? What can I get you?" Red asked, poised to take Jon's order.
"Uh, sure. I'm starving.” Jon said rubbing his stomach. “Um... Can I have the fiesta sandwich?"
Red quickly jotted down 'FS' on his notepad and then looked at Jon expectantly. Jon glanced around the room distracted by disco lights and the DJ pumping his fist in the air, getting the kids to cheer. After a few moments, he looked back at Red, who was staring at him.
"Do you want a drink with that sandwich?" Red said with a firm voice.
"Oh! Yes! Sorry... um, can I get a glass of mixed berry juice... please?... Sir." Jon's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he tried to shrink away from Red's scrutiny.
"Yeah, no problem... pal." Red scribbled Jon's order and then turned to Kozomi, who gave him a slightly annoyed look. Red smiled innocently. "What about you, Kozzy?"
"I'll have your famous fiesta sandwich too, but instead of mixed berry juice, I'll take the orange and apple big cup, please. I'm really thirsty," Kozomi replied.
"Alright, guys, I'll be back in a minute with your orders. Good to see you again, Kozzy," Red said warmly before rolling off through the double doors to the kitchen.
The restaurant buzzed with chatter as waiters in black slacks and red shirts delivered food to tables. The boys and girls playfully threw balled-up napkins at each other, and some showed off their best dance moves on the dance floor. Everyone let loose, being rowdy at times, all while filling their appetite.
"Still no luck on the 'you-know-what problem,' huh, professor?" Kozomi asked, as Jon thanked the waiter for their drinks.
Jon sighed and shook his head. "Nope, not yet. I've tried everything but nothing seems to be working. But don’t worry, I won’t give up."
‘That’s the attitude” said Kozomi. She looks around the room at all the happy kids and deeply exhales. “You know, it surprises me how people just go on with their lives without thinking about it. We are literally at the end of humanity. And it’s like they don’t even notice.”
“I think about it all the time hoping to change it, but it doesn't feel good.” Jon said, taking a long sip from his cup then wiping his mouth. Kozomi looked at him, trying to understand what he meant.
“Because there's no cure I only think about the past and what I miss the most... My mom and dad." Jon sighs, "When we were kids, we needed the love and care that only parents gave. Back then, we didn’t know anything and always needed their help and guidance. A lot of time has passed since then, so it’s hard to remember those days."
Jon looked up at the ceiling and started smiling, appearing to daydream. “If you think hard enough, you might remember your parents taking good care of you. Maybe your dad reading you a bedtime story, or your mom tucking you in at night. In the morning, she would wake you up, tell you to brush your teeth and fix you a hefty plate of pancakes.
“I just remember them saying my name and I love you. That’s all I need to remind me of what’s really important. Being loved like that made everything... simple.”
Kozomi nodded. “I can try to remember, but I can’t... I grew up in an orphanage.” Jon instantly felt embarrassed, regretting his words.
“There was a lot of us, so no one really had time to get to know or care about us like that, well, unless you were adopted. We all had sad stories about why we were there, and some of us didn’t even know... But I guess some stories are better left untold...” Kozomi smiled sadly.
Jon felt bad and slumped down in his chair. “I’m sorry, Kozomi... I forgot.”
“It’s okay, professor. It wasn’t all bad. I had a good friend who became like family,” Kozomi said, feeling a bit better. “And I made a few other friends along the way.”
“Really? That’s wonderful! I’d love to meet your friends,” Jon said with a big smile.
Kozomi giggled. “One day you will,” she said. “We’re just waiting for the right time.”
“Right time for what?” Jon asked.
“Here you go!” said Red as he brought out their food. “And look, you guys don’t worry about paying any credits tonight, even you, Jonny.”
“Thanks, but it wouldn’t be a problem. "Jon replied. In Alex Caldwell’s cities, everyone worked to earn credits to spend. Jon, because of his important role in Alex’s plans, had all his basic necessities and more provided for free. He carried a credit card with no limit, making him a rich boy in the city.
As he reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet, Red stopped him, placing his small hand on Jon’s arm. “No, I would like to do this for both of you.”
“Um, okay. Thanks, Red.” Both Kozomi and Jon thanked Red for his hospitality. “But, are you sure?” asked Jon.
“Don’t worry about it. Business is booming here. Besides, I’ve got a feeling you two are going to be doing great things in the near future. So, relax, have a good time while you still can,” suggested Red as he rolled away. Kozomi and Jon were both confused about what Red meant by great things and the near future.
“What was that about?” asked Jon, scratching his nose.
“I don’t know, professor, but some people say Red has always had a talent for seeing people’s futures,” Kozomi replied.
Jon looked around to make sure no one was near him. Raising his eyebrows, he leaned closer to Kozomi. “You mean he’s a kogen and he can see... our futures?” he whispered.
“Maybe,” Kozomi said while taking a bite of her thick fiesta sandwich. The sandwich had thin slices of beef, turkey, spicy cheeses, pickles, and a popular tangy secret sauce created by Red himself. "Mmm" Pleased by the food she noticed Jon looked a little nervous thinking about Red being a possible kogen.
“Hey, I don’t know if he can exactly see the future, but I’ve heard he can sense it... if that makes any sense. Like he knows when something good or bad is about to happen,” Kozomi said, chuckling.
“What are you smiling about?” Jon asked, placing his hands on his hips, making Kozomi laugh aloud with food in her mouth.
“Because I think he just hinted at something I’ve been waiting to hear, professor,” Kozomi replied. “I think you may be seeing my friends soon enough...” she thought to herself.
“Kozomi, the kogen I’ve witnessed and heard of are cruel and wicked. And Red is... he’s borderline offensive. If I were him, I wouldn’t be so open about it. I don’t think Alex would appreciate someone so special,” Jon said, upset. He stares at Kozomi, who is relaxing, taking a sip of her drink. “I’m just happy we can live here safely inside the city walls, protected from... them.” said Jon, riled up.
“Professor, you scaredy-cat. Not all of them are like that. Just look at Red; he’s got a special talent, and he’s one of the few people who actually gives you a little respect around here,” Kozomi said jokingly. “Come on, let’s just have fun and eat.”
Jon looked at his food and calmed down after seeing the famous fiesta sandwich he had been longing to eat. “Yeah, fine... let’s eat.”
Life went on, and while John was busy making breakthroughs with his Rapid Reproductive Pollen, Vennis kept doing his own experiments with humans. Surprisingly, all of his subjects survived, so Vennis was eager to tell everyone about his success, just like his old lab buddy John. But the WSA (World Science Association) felt differently. They turned down Vennis's research and basically said throw your project in the trash or else after asking John for a second opinion. Dr. Newborn was so upset by this decision that he disappeared for several years.
Meanwhile, John Oats became a science sensation with his invention! He created pollen that could travel long distances and adapt to harsh environments. He took the harmless parts of Project Newborns to make plants grow more food with little sunlight or rain. Does anybody know what a famine is anymore? He called it Project Life and it spread like wildflowers. It had the potential to turn deserts into salad bars and jungles into giant vegetable gardens.
John Oats’ work was so impressive that he was awarded the highest honor in science and a lifetime supply of fertilizer (as if he needed it).
The tasty sandwiches had transformed Jon from feeling riled up to just plain satisfied. Before they knew it, Jon and Kozomi were laughing with their mouths full, having devoured three more sandwiches each. After many thoughtful conversations and being among the last ones left in the restaurant, they finally prepared to leave.
“Thanks again for coming out with me. Sorry I got you sidetracked,” said Kozomi.
“Of course! I had a blast. We should definitely do this again,” Jon replied, burping loudly and holding his stomach.
“Wow, professor!” Kozomi exclaimed, surprised by Jon's belch.
“All right, you rascals, I’m closing up, and none of you better try to sneak out without paying!” yelled Red as he started wiping down the counter.
“Thanks again for the free meal, Red,” Kozomi said, grateful for the many fiesta sandwiches and drinks.
“Anytime, Kozzy. Just make sure you come back to visit, both of you,” Red replied.
“Sure thing,” Jon said happily.
Outside, the streetlights cast a gentle glow as they stood in front of the restaurant. The neon sign flickered off as they stretched their tired bodies, preparing for the walk home. Just then, two boys bumped into Jon from behind, one after the other.
“Hey, watch where you’re going, nerd-face!” said the taller boy with greasy food stains all over his shirt.
Jon rubbed his shoulder and lowered his head. “Sorry, I... I didn’t see you there,” he apologized, though clearly innocent.
The other boy, with red hair and a black leather jacket, grabbed a cup from a nearby table and poured its contents over Jon's head. “Oops, did you say something?” he mocked, shaking the cup to get every last drop out. The boys laughed as juice dripped down Jon's face.
“Leave him alone!” Kozomi yelled, but one of the boys shoved her aside, causing her to fall.
“Stay out of this, stupid girl! We’re talking to the nerd with the crazy daddy!” The boys circled Jon, pushing him as he silently cried. “Hey, pal, why don’t you leave Morriah City and ruin someone else’s life, like your dad did mine? My family would still be alive if it wasn’t for him!”
“Please... just leave me alone. I didn’t mean to get in your way,” Jon said softly, his hands trembling. “I’m sorry for what my father did. I had nothing to do with it.”
Suddenly, Kozomi punched the boy in the leather jacket, causing him to fall backward and bleed from his mouth. “Hey! Why’d you hit me?” he cried out.
“Leroy, you okay?” asked his friend.
“She hit me!” he wailed, and as his friend bent down to help, Kozomi kicked him in the butt, causing them to tumble over each other.
“Ouch, that hurt!” Both boys started to cry as Kozomi stood over them, shaking her fist. “Do you want some more?!” she threatened, and the boys scrambled to their feet and ran away.
Jon wiped tears from his eyes and looked at Kozomi as if she were a superhero. Turning around, she chuckled after seeing his amazed expression.
“Thanks, Kozomi,” Jon sniffled while gathering himself. “I guess my dad’s mistakes are my burden to bear.”
“People shouldn’t pick on you because of your father. And you shouldn’t blame yourself because it’s not your fault,” she said powerfully.
Jon wiped his face with his lab coat. “Yeah, it's tough sometimes... Well, most of the time. You and Ava are truly my only friends,” he said, feeling grateful. "But wow, Kozomi, you really pack a punch!"
She giggled at Jon's response. “I’ll always protect you, Jon. And you know what? One day, you’re going to save the world and people will respect you! But even if you don’t, I've always got your back, buddy.” She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and gave him a tight squeeze.
Jon smiled. “Thanks, pal... let’s do this again tomorrow... but, um... let's go to Friendly Mindy’s,” he suggested, still wary of running into the bullies again.
Kozomi snickered at his request. “Definitely! So, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Jon nodded eagerly, and they exchanged their goodbyes. Kozomi waved farewell and started walking home. After a long night, Jon did the same.
As the world was getting ready for Project Life, John Oats was busy wrapping up his work on the Rapid Reproductive Pollen (RRP). With his research finally greenlit by the World Science Association (WSA) and various governments, he headed to the Autumn Research Plant (ARP), to document the new plants he created. (It’s where they go to say ‘I did this!’).
When John arrived, he was surprised to find Vennis Newborn waiting for him. They hadn’t seen each other in years, and when Vennis reached out for a handshake, John enthusiastically pulled him in for a hug.
“Congratulations on all your success, John!” Vennis exclaimed.
“Vennis, the success is ours! RRP started with your idea for Project Newborns!” John said, slapping Vennis on the back with gusto.
Vennis grinned, “Well, I do have a knack for crazy ideas.”
“Exactly! That’s why I need your help with this research,” John said ardently.
Vennis's eyes lit up with excitement. “Really?! Count me in! I can brew up some wild botanical concoctions myself!”
“Perfect!” John said, thrilled. “And you know what? I’m going to officially credit you as co-creator of Project Life, even if the WSA gripes about it.”
Vennis laughed, shrugging off any concerns about recognition. “Who needs fancy titles when we can have fun making plants do incredible things?”
John thought that Vennis considered their friendship and shared love for quirky experiments as more important than any official credit. Vennis suggested that keeping his name off the record would only benefit Project Life.
In a quiet, gated neighborhood, Alex Caldwell had provided secluded homes for the most important people of Morriah City separated from all other citizens. Architects, scientists, engineers, and doctors all lived in identical one-story homes. Each one was painted blue, with a gray roof, one large front window, and a small lawn with a white picket fence landscaped by workers once a week. Jon walked down his sidewalk, arms crossed in deep thought, reflecting on his conversation with Kozomi.
"She's right, no one thinks about the future," he muttered to himself. Knowing that everyone on earth was slowly but surely getting worse, Jon knew he had to find a cure before it was too late.
He approached his house. "Number nine," he said to himself. Before walking up his steps, he looked both ways, making sure no one was watching. He approached his doorstep and found the cardboard box he had been anxiously waiting for sitting behind the bushes hidden from prying eyes. Jon was thankful for the message he received a week earlier in his mailbox letting him know the day this package would arrive. He unlocked his door and grabbed the package, bringing it inside.
Turning on his lamp, the light revealed clothes scattered everywhere on the floor, a half-eaten bowl of oatmeal on the countertop, with an empty carton of milk. His home had plain décor with no pictures hanging, and white curtains on every window. He hung his lab coat on the hook, dropped his briefcase, and without any hesitation, laid the box on the living room table.
With excitement, he flopped down on his couch and peeled off the gray tape, which had his name written in big, yellow letters. Rubbing his hands together, he paused for a moment and took a deep breath. He reached inside and pulled out a tiny photo sitting on top of other items.
Instantly, tears welled in his eyes as he gazed upon a beautiful young woman. It was his mother, sitting outside a house where his parents may have once lived. She had two big dimples on her cheeks as she smiled at the camera, wearing a pretty sky-blue sundress. Jon used his fingers to gently touch the same dimples on his own cheeks, and he began to feel pain building in his throat. With haste, Jon placed his hand over his mouth to conceal as much emotion as he could, resisting the powerful feelings stirring inside.
He pulled out a couple more pictures of her, each one causing a deep warmth inside him with uncontrollable laughter of pain and delight as bittersweet tears flowed to his chin.
He wiped his tears with his forearm and took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Finally, I have my own pictures of her.” he said to himself.
He then grabbed more pictures of his mother, but they included his father. They held hands and stood comfortably near each other, side by side, obviously in love. Jon had seen plenty pictures of his dad, who was a famous scientist, but rarely could he find a decent photo of his mother, who often wasn't with him in many of the science journals and magazines.
He looked at his father’s facial features and studied how much they looked alike. Feeling a mix of emotions, he placed the pictures with the rest and continued digging inside the box, pulling out a small oval-shaped glass container. It held an odd, colorful wild plant with pointy tips all around the leaves.
Pondering what type of plant it was and how it had survived this long, he remembered his father was an expert botanist and decided to investigate it later, gently placing it on the table.
Next, he grabbed a necklace, the one his mother wore in one of the pictures. It was elegant, with diamonds and a variety of rubies intermingling, and Jon wondered if his father had given it to her as a gift. After viewing a few other mementos, he found a tiny disc in a clear case reading ‘Baby Jonathan.’ Then, he found a letter made out to him. The letter read:
Thanks again for saving my life!
It’s midday, very cloudy, raining heavily, and the Gressive are chasing someone in the streets of Morriah City. A tiny boy keeps his footing as he tries to make his getaway, but he can hear the three of them closing in from behind.
“He went this way, over here!” yells the guard leading the force. He follows the direction the soaked boy went and informs his unit to hurry over. “I see him, come on!” The guard moves in on the boy and grabs the back of his wet shirt. “Got you, thief!” But the slippery boy spins around, causing the guard to lose his grip, slip, and fall hard to the ground.
The boy stops and looks at the guard lying on his belly with his face in a puddle. Worried, he quickly kneels down and pushes the guard over to his side so he can breathe. Hearing the splashing footsteps of the other guards, the boy rises to his feet and runs to gain distance between them.
The Gressive catch up and find their leader lying in the middle of the street and help him up. "Sir, sir! Are you alright?"
“Where were you, sluggards?!" he says coughing. "Come on, we can still catch him!"
Meanwhile, a taxicab pulls up in front of Jon's house. "Number nine..." Jon says to himself. He thanks the driver and pays him, then steps out and jogs up to his doorstep as the taxi driver drives off. Wow, it's really coming down.” As he stretches his arm to unlock his front door, the boy running from the Gressive makes a sharp turn from the side of his house and bumps into him. They both fall.
Large water drops land on Jon's face as he blinks his eyes open. He sluggishly leans forward. "Oh my..." His blurry vision clears, and he sees a small body sitting across from him. He quickly apologizes after shaking off the throbbing sensation in his head. “Whoa, so sorry about that. How klutzy of me. My oh my, I ought to pay more attention... Ouch!" He says, rubbing his head with the palm of his hand.
"It hurts, but I’ll be fine, really. Actually, I'm sorry to be in your way...” Jon gives an apology, blaming himself as he often does to avoid any confrontations.
The boy, standing no more than an inch taller than Jon, interrupts his blameless apology and begs for assistance. “Please... I beg you... hide me.” He says, breathing heavily.
“Oh, your elbow..." Jon notices blood coming from the boy’s scraped arm. "Again, I’m very sorry...” Jon continues with fervent regret.
The guard shouts to direct his staggering but persistent force. “Hurry, you numskulls! I think he went around the house!”
“ me.” The boy is exhausted from the chase and is on both knees, pleading for Jon’s help.
Jon looked confused, unsure of what's going on, sees a boy begging for his aid. Hearing the Gressive seeking to capture him, Jon bravely grabs his keys feeling something's amiss and lets the boy inside.
He instructs him to quickly hide in his large laundry basket, and the boy climbs in. Then Jon dumps clothes lying everywhere on the floor on top of him. The Gressive stop at the steps of Jon’s house and look at one another in agreement. The head guard knocks loudly on Jon's front door after attempting to turn the knob, but the door was locked.
“Open this door! Open this door right now! This is the Gressive! I said open this door immediately, or we will break it down!” He commands, wanting no answer so he can force his way in.
Jon approaches the door slowly, hoping he can sway the pursuer’s assumptions. He unlocks the door and sticks his head out. Moving his eyes left to right at the tall guards, he opens the door a bit more. “Hello, how may I help you?” Jon says, appearing guileless.
The guards quickly identify the resident as Jonathan Oats and glance at each other, feeling a little relieved they didn't break the door down, knowing they could get in big trouble if Jon complained to Alex. “We caught an intruder trying to steal food in the warehouse. We know he came this way. Now tell us have seen him?” says the leader of the group, showing Jon no regard as he looks into his eyes for any deception.
Jon lowers his head and acts as if he’s trying to remember seeing someone. “Um... no sir, I haven’t seen anyone... Um, anyone suspicious, I mean.”
He notices the large puddles of water scattered on the floor. “How come there’s water all over the place?” he asked, not trusting Jon’s answer.
“Oh, well, I just got in from the rain. You see, I didn’t have my umbrella,” he says, thinking quickly.
The guard opens the door, pushing Jon back, and they all walk in. “Won’t mind if we have a look around?” He orders his company to search Jon’s home, and they spread out. The boy in the basket listens to the thumping sound of their boots stepping on the hardwood floor. Stricken with fear and anxiety, he tries his best not to move.
Jon watches closely as the leader looks behind the sofa then walks into the bathroom. Jon quickly tries to deter him. “I... I was going to clean up eventually. I hope you’re not bothered by the mess.”
The guard stops and gives him a stern, mean look. “I'm not...” He then walks in, rips off the shower curtain, opens the bathroom closet, and checks the cabinets underneath the sink. Jon, passing the other two guards searching his home, steps closer to the frustrated sentry as he tries to find a clue to where the boy might be hiding. “Just because you’re Mr. Caldwell’s special pet doesn’t mean you can be an accomplice to a crime,” he says, annoyed.
He stands back up, looks into the mirror over the sink, and observes the scratches on his face. Feeling the pain while tapping the wounds, he squints his eyes and becomes angry, remembering someone helping him after he fell, knowing it was probably their suspect.
“Sorry. I wish I could help, but I really haven’t seen anyone,” replies Jon. Both of the guards walk out of the kitchen and bedroom at the same time, each one raising their hands seeing no signs of the intruder. The head guard leans against the bathroom doorway, irritated.
“Fine, let’s go.” He says, disappointed, scratching his head, thinking he was sure the thief was inside. Just as he was about to give up, he sees the tall laundry basket in the corner of the bathroom and hesitates. He glances over at Jon, and Jon looks at the basket, then quickly averts his eyes back to him. Suspicious, the guard takes a couple of steps back and stands directly in front of it, snapping off the lid.
Displeased and impatient, he reaches in, grabbing shirts and pants, tossing them on the floor. "So, you haven't seen anyone, huh?" Jon’s heart starts racing as he watches the guard pull every piece of clothing out of the basket, expecting a discovery to be made. Just before he grabs the towel covering the boy's head, one of the guards speak up.
“We’re wasting our time with this shrimp, sir. And personally, I don’t even like looking at him. The more time wasted here, the further away the intruder gets.” Upset, the head guardsman exhales and grabs the towel from the basket, wiping the water off his face, not noticing the boy looking at him from inside. He tosses the towel back over him and gets on his radio, ordering the rest of the Gressive in the city to be on the lookout, while giving a description. They all walk out of Jon’s house and continue their hunt.
Jon, relieved, looks out the blinds of his window to make sure they’ve left. He locks the door, then hurries to the bathroom and throws off the towel. "It's okay now, they're gone."
The boy reaches for his hand and is helped out of the basket. "Thank you," he says, shivering.
Jon hands him a clean towel from the bathroom closet and notices the boy is very thin and bony and wonders if he did the right thing by saving someone the Gressive said was a criminal. Still, he can tell the boy been through a lot of hardship and probably came from the Abandoned Lands. “Let me get my first aid kit for your elbow.”
The boy nods his head. “Thank you... my... name... is Hunter,” he says with shaking lips.
"Hunter, is it? Well, my name is...” Jon pauses unsure of the reaction he might receive if Hunter knew who he was. “Jonathan...” he replied only giving his first name. He quickly retrieves the first aid kit from his kitchen drawer and turns on the heat to warm them up from the cold air. They sit on the couch, and Jon cleans his lacerations. “So, what happened back there?” Jon asks. “Why were they chasing you?”
"I'm..." Now Hunter hesitates to speak. "From the Lands...” He says, looking away from Jon' face. People often look at outsiders as bandits, or possibly kogen, not wanting anything to do with them.
After someone or a large group obtains citizenship, the other citizens are first skeptical before getting to know them. Alex Caldwell has had to banish many that brought bad habits to the city and broke the rules.
Jon finished treating his wound and wrapped bandages around Hunter's elbow. “I ran out of food after traveling a very long time, hoping I'd find a place to settle. I went days with little to eat.”
Sorry to hear that.” Jon says with empathy. “Are you on your own?”
“Yes, but before now, I was with my friends. We were a small group... until they came,” replied Hunter.
“Who are they?” Anticipating the worse, Jon knows how rough the Abandoned Lands can be since he once lived out there himself.
“Bandits..." Hunter becomes upset as he slides his dingy shoes off his wet socks. "They found the home we managed to settle in."
"It was untouched, completely off the grid, you couldn’t find it with a map. The Chapmans wanted it that way.” Hunter explained.
“The Chapmans?” Jon asked, curious.
“Yes. They were the family that owned it. When the virus came, they built a six-bedroom home and grew some crops on a few acres of land. They even had a well, with plenty water. It's exactly what we were looking for, some place obscure, away from any bandit or kogen. A treasure. So, we tilled the ground, repaired the fencing keeping dangerous animals at bay, but little did we know, they were keeping tabs on us the entire time.”
“We could’ve fought back, since it was 8 of us and 5 of them... But one of them was a kogen.” Jon disturbed in his heart, knew the bandits were bad, but once Hunter said kogen, the story was only going to get worse. “They captured others and forced them to work too.”
Hunter yanked his socks off and Jon saw the sever swelling on his feet. He felt so bad for him, and many like him, as he continued his story. “They were so greedy, eating everything, hardly leaving us with scraps. If it wasn’t for her...” Hunter's eyes welled up with tears, his voice cracking. "She was evil and had a terrifying power... With a snap of her fingers, she could stop your heart instantly."
"Instantly?" Jon asked, fear evident in his voice.
"I've seen it with my very eyes. I'm not sure how she does it, but I don't understand any of the kogen's powers. When they tied us up, one by one, she placed her ear against our chests, listening to our heartbeat. She spoke on each of us as if she knew something we didn't. I still remember what she said about mine."
"Your heart is elusive... I can barely hear it beat. I didn't understand what she meant. I just wanted to leave. I wanted my friends to leave too, to run away with me, but they wouldn’t. They thought the little food they ate justified the cruelty, but I couldn’t accept that."
"So, one night, I ran away, hoping to get far enough before she could snap her fingers. I was terrified, I just kept running and thinking about living in one of Alex Caldwell’s cities where you're protected from people like them. But everyone knows they don't just let anyone in. I traveled for a long time thinking if I provide valuable information about the Abandoned Lands, like maps of kogen hideouts, bandit factions, maybe then they'll let me in. I know a lot about these things. I keep my ear to the ground. That’s how I've survived. There are even rumors of an army plotting against Alex Caldwell. He should know about these things..." Jon is shocked about what he just heard.
"But the guards mocked me, taking what I’ve scavenged from my bag and told me to scram. So, I snuck in to grab a few rations for my journey, and that's when I was caught."
Hunter's eyes suddenly filled with tears, and he threw the towel off his shoulders. "I’m sorry, Jon. Please forgive me! I'm not a thief! I'm just so tired of living like this," Hunter said, feeling guilty, unable to meet Jon's gaze.
Jon gently placed his hand on Hunter's shoulder to comfort him. “It’s alright, Hunter, don't cry. There’s plenty of food and water here for you. You can stay until we get you healthy, and I’ll figure out a way to get you citizenship.”
Troubled by his story, Jon was determined to help him in any way possible, wishing he could find a solution to prevent more stories like Hunter's.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to cause you any more trouble,” Hunter asked, wiping tears from his face.
“It's fine, my friend. Don’t worry. I want to help.” Jon replied, earnestly.
Jon continues reading the letter.
I found what you requested. Everything is in pretty good condition. And thanks for leaving me with more food and water. You're very kind, Jon. And whether you believe it or not, I have a feeling your father was very kind too. I'm sure one day you'll no longer resent him.
I'll be heading west now to a town called Kora. They also have food and water and an entire community there. I really like them and made an interesting new friend. Again, I appreciate you willing to go out of your way to make me a citizen of Morriah City, and with your relationship to Alex Caldwell, I have all the faith that you could do it. But as I said before, I think the Gressive would bully me every chance they get, besides, I like it here, so I hope that you come visit me one day.
Thanks again, Jon, for everything.
Your Friend,
P.S. This plant really stood out. Maybe it’s something special. Hope you like it.
Jon pulls out the DVD recording that reads "Jonathan's Baby Video" and puts it in his DVD player. He turns the TV on, presses play, and instantly sees his very pregnant mother rubbing her stomach. Jon backs up slowly without taking his eyes off the screen, grabs the armrest of his recliner, and gently sits down.
“Hello, Jonathan Eugene Oats. Welcome to the world, buddy. That beautiful woman who’s going to give birth to you is your mother, Danielle, and I’m your father, John. Say hi.” Jon smiles as he leans back into his comfy recliner. His eyes begin to water as he watches his mother and father. The life he now knows begins to fade away.
“We love you so much, and we can’t wait to see you and hold you.” Jon can hear his father’s voice coming out of the speakers, and his eyes begin to tear up.
“Hi, my precious baby boy.” The camera zooms in on his mother sitting in a rocking chair as she stares and rubs on her belly. Her angelic voice soothes his ears. “Jonathan, it's your mommy, and mommy loves so you.”
He sits and enjoys the sweet memory his parents once shared together. After watching for about an hour, another part of the video shows his mother taping his father working in his lab on the Rapid Reproductive Pollen as she tries to get his attention.
“You see, Eugene, your daddy may be a famous scientist, but to me, he works way too much.” She says while John experiments on a plant. “Honey, why don’t you take a break and relax your brain for a moment? You wouldn’t want your first-born son to think you’re a stick in the mud, like Uncle Vennis, do you?”
“Well, I can't now, dear,” replies Jon's father. “The plant is far too absorbent, reacting to feed instantaneously, which is not the direction I want to go with it. Modifying Project Newborn to Project Life with this plant has really brought it a long way, but...” He pauses and thinks about what his wife just said about him. “Hey, wait a minute!” Jon hears his mother laughing, observing his father's one-track mind. “You watch, our son’s going to be a stick-in-the-mud famous scientist helping the world someday, like his father.”
“Oh, John, all you talk about is Project Life.” says his mother, as Jon notices just how much like his father he is and how Ava plays the role of his mother, who’s always stopping him from rambling on.
“And Jonathan,” his father looks into the camera, “Uncle Vennis may be a workaholic, but his intentions are to create a better world. Without him, there is no Project Life.” He says to defend his lifelong friend.
“I just hope he’s okay. He’s been missing for some time now. I want to ask for his help, but I guess I’m going to have to have Jonathan give me a hand.” He smiles sarcastically at Danielle while cutting a leaf off the plant.
“Yes, but you’ll have to wait until he gets older, and before that happens, he will at least play one sport!” She says, jokingly. Jon laughs and smiles at his mother.
“OUCH!” Jonathan’s father cuts his finger, and blood drips into the soil. He drops the scissors and quickly grabs his finger with his hand.
“Are you okay, honey?” his mother asks, worried.
“Ouch!... Yeah, it's bad.” He looks at the deep laceration. He stands up as Danielle walks towards him, setting the camera down next to the plant. The camera keeps filming as the blood flows down into the soil and is instantly absorbed by the plant.
The very next clip shows her filming his father placing a sample of the plant in a sealed glass container in Jonathan’s room. “This gift is from father to son. Something made to help change the world.” His father looks back at the camera with endearment. “I love you, son.” Jon, sunken in his chair, begins to sob, releasing all of his repressed emotions and after another hour of watching the video, he pleasantly falls asleep.
Vennis was super impressed by John's work! John had taken Project Newborn to amazing new levels with Project Life, all while being safe and harmless to humans. So, the two friends teamed up once more, just like old times. They spent months and months working together, until at last, their project was complete!
The next morning Jon woke up with a sense of enlightenment. He grabbed the plant in the glass container and dashed out the door, remembering the recording of him and his parents. Though he hadn't tended to his personal hygiene, he ran through the streets, hurrying to the laboratory.
Normally, he would take the shuttle bus that drives around the city, picking everyone up and dropping them off at work, but he had overslept, and since the city was expanding to create more space for the growing population, Jon took a shortcut through the construction sites. Kozomi, who was working there, spotted him from a distance and stopped the excited boy in his tracks once again.
“Hi, professor! Good morning!” yelled Kozomi, waving her hand. "What are you doing all the way over here?"
“Kozomi, I have great news that might solve our problem!" Jon shouted, jumping up and down. "Wish me luck, okay?”
“I knew you could do it, professor! Kozomi shouted, as she watched him running towards Alex Caldwell’s headquarters. “But you’re going to need a lot more than luck,” she said to herself.
Jon ran inside the lab just as Ava finished an important conversation on a two-way radio. “Okay, got it... Oh wait, he just walked in,” she whispered, then hid it from sight.
Jon grabbed a clean lab coat out of the closet and hurried to his workstation. He was focused and quickly started prepping for work as Ava suspiciously watched him, noticing the many inaudible words coming out of his mouth.
“Jooooon, you’re late... Why are you late, Jon? Did you forget to set your alarm clock again?” Ava said with a playful tone.
Logging onto his computer, Jon clicked on multiple files without even looking her way. “Ava, I’ve discovered something I believe might solve our World Virus problem.”
“Hmm... So, the usual setup, I presume?” she asked, treating the situation like any other day.
“This is not just some experiment, Ava. This is a feeling, and it’s telling me this is it. This is the one that’s going to change everything,” he replied.
Ava realized Jon was more serious than he had ever been. She took a deep breath. “Okay… let’s get started.”
Two scrappy kids from the Abandoned Lands waited in Alex Caldwell’s office. They were in a popular gang called the Boss Bandits. These kids, all around the age of five, were known for pulling awful pranks while raiding settlements. To win them over, Alex served them a large platter of fresh fruit. The two bandits ate the fruit and without a second thought they tossed the rest of the food and plate onto Alex’s rug, right next to a trash can.
As Alex walked in his face cringed, eyes watered, after catching a whiff of the strong stench coming from their unwashed bodies. Wearing leather straps, knee pads, and football cleats, both boys had battle scars all over their muscular arms— a very uncommon look for kids their age.
Alex glanced at the mess on his rug and was slightly irritated. He snapped his fingers and his servant stepped away from the wall. The two bandits stared hard at the small boy dressed like a butler.
“Hello,” said Alex, smiling as he walked a few steps up to his desk and sat in his black leather chair. His small servant, about the same age as the two bandits, bent down to clean up the food on the floor as Alex looked at them. “I understand that your name is Baby Hair and that you are the leader of the Boss Bandits."
Baby Hair, with his wild, tangled hair and a mischievous grin, nodded. The other bandit, Bobo, with a cheeky smile, wiped snot off his nose with his arm.
Alex leaned forward, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “I’m glad you’re here. I think we can help each other out.”
Baby Hair crossed his arms and puffed out his chest. “What’s in it for us?” he said in a deep gravelly voice.
Alex chuckled. “Well, for starters, maybe some more fruit? And, you know, a nice hot bath wouldn’t hurt.”
The boys looked at each other and then burst into laughter. “A bath? Us? Never!” they shouted in unison.
“What I have to offer is very rewarding,” Alex continued, his smile widening. “I will give the Boss Bandits all the food and water you want, and even more whenever you ask. How does that sound?”
“I like that!” Bobo said, grinning at Alex, who smiled back, enjoying Bobo’s simple-minded enthusiasm.
“Shut up, Bobo!” Baby Hair snapped at his compadre, quickly annoyed by his playmate's lack of street smarts. “Sounds good, but I like taking what I want. Plus, we already got a couple of slave camps growing food for us now. The real question is, why does someone like you need help from someone like me?”
Alex leaned back, still smiling. “Ah, Baby Hair, that's what makes you special—always asking the right questions. The truth is, I have a little problem that only someone with your... unique talents can solve. Imagine all the food you could have without the hassle of those camps! Think of it as an upgrade.”
Alex takes a folder out from his desk and hands it to his servant. “There’s a group out there that’s managed to set up shop and survive on their own.” Baby Hair snatches it from him expressing his disapproval and the servant walks back to his position.
“There’s a group out there that’s managed to set up shop and survive on their own. I’ve been waiting for them to run out of their resources but it seems I underestimated them. I would like for you guys to do what you do best, but don’t harm them—just scare them silly and turn their home into a bonfire!”
Baby Hair flipped open the folder and peered at the surveillance photos of the community. “So, that’s how you keep that innocent facade. Sneaky, sneaky,” Baby Hair muttered, eyeing Alex suspiciously.
Alex maintained his cool demeanor, a sly smile playing on his lips. “Is that all?”
Locking eyes with Baby Hair, Alex leaned back in his chair. "Once you've completed this task, my soldiers will swoop in and arrest the Boss Bandits,” Alex said with a straight face.
Baby Hair scowled; his tone incredulous. “I almost respected you…”
“You see, we'll make it look like a heroic rescue, so they'll believe we've saved them. Afterward, we can offer protection and a safer place for them to live. Once the dust settles and they're safely relocated, you and your gang will be released,” Alex explained smoothly, trying to keep negotiations on track.
Baby Hair raised an eyebrow skeptically. “And why should I trust you? How do I know you won't just double-cross us and leave us high and dry?”
Alex chuckled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “Why would I do that? My dear Baby Hair, I’m a man of my word. Just think of all the food and weapons you'll have. You'd be unstoppable!” Said Alex, sweetening the deal.
Bobo interjected nervously, “Yeah, Baby Hair, think of all the food!”
Baby Hair shot him a look that could freeze lava. "Quiet, Bobo!"
Tensions rose as Baby Hair and Alex engaged in a stare-down, each trying to gauge the other's resolve. Suddenly, Baby Hair stood up, thrusting his finger accusingly at Alex.
“Hold up! What if these weapons you're promising us turn out to be cheap knockoffs, huh? What then, Mr. Caldwell?” Baby Hair challenged him, trying not to appear tempted.
Alex's smile widened, his confidence unwavering. “Rest assured, these are top-notch weapons. No cheap knockoffs on my watch!”
Baby Hair crossed his arms defiantly. “Well, we’ll see about that.”
As tension filled the room, Alex remained calm, but inside, he was itching to close the deal. He got out his chair and stepped around his desk, eyeing Baby Hair thoughtfully.
“You know what, Baby Hair? You’ve got guts. I like that about you, because only a coward would walk away from this opportunity.” Alex said, extending his hand for a shake. “So, do we have a deal?”
Baby Hair hesitated for a moment, eyeing Alex warily. Finally, with a smirk, he reached out and clasped Alex’s hand firmly.
“Deal. But remember, Caldwell,” he pulled Alex towards him. “You cross us, and we’ll make sure everyone knows who the real bandit is!” Baby Hair said with a grin.
Alex chuckled, shaking his head. “Oh, Baby Hair, I think you underestimate me. Now, let’s get you geared up and ready for this little adventure!”
With that, the tension in the room dissipated as Baby Hair and Bobo followed the Gressive out of the office, their minds already racing with plans for the raid. Alex sank back into his chair, a satisfied smile on his face, glad to have struck a deal with the infamous Boss Bandits.
The seasons had cycled and food around the world increased tremendously. Farmlands exploded with more crops than ever, dying forest and rare flowers had miraculously rejuvenated and even animals that were once becoming extinct had been able to repopulate. Even the sea life had become resilient against pollutions and litter.
But human life which shouldn't have been affected became the most extraordinary marvel. People who were once frail and sick found themselves bursting with newfound health and energy. The bedridden leapt out of their beds, the deaf heard melodies for the first time, and the blind marveled at the vibrant colors of the world. Minds that had been clouded with confusion suddenly sparkled with clarity, and everyone, from the smallest child to the wisest elder, felt a surge of vitality that seemed almost magical.
With bodies as strong as athletes and minds as sharp as computers, humanity soared to new heights. People worked together like never before, solving problems with lightning speed and turning dreams into reality faster than a shooting star. Old rivalries in the world melted away like ice cream on a sunny day, replaced by new friendships and partnerships that spanned the globe. Peace treaties were blooming, paving the way for a new era of unity and cooperation.
But after a few years of unprecedented prosperity and unity, a dark shadow fell over the world. What had once been a paradise of health and harmony was now gripped by a sinister plague.
From the deepest oceans to the highest mountains, creatures large and small began to vanish, their populations dwindling. Fields that once burst with bounty now lay barren and animals struggled to bring new life into the world.
But it wasn't just the natural world that suffered. Hospitals and clinics overflowed with patients, each one battling a sudden sickness. Families watched in despair as loved ones slipped away, their bodies failing them in ways science couldn't explain.
Like the animals giving birth became a tragedy, as pregnancies faced impossible odds and hopes turned to heartbreak. The world that had once seemed so full of promise now echoed with the cries of those left behind, wondering how it all went so wrong.
The world knew that the pollen was the reason for this incredible life but unfortunately no one took heed of John Oat’s warnings that something had gone horribly wrong. Soon after the pollen had been released Oats had come to realize that somehow Project Life had been manipulated.
He had foreseen the chaos that would come from Project Life's tainted pollen, but his warnings fell on deaf ears. His suspicions pointed to his old friend Vennis Newborn, who had mysteriously disappeared soon after they released the pollen.
Humanity was on the brink. Minds faltered, bodies weakened, and only the youngest among them—children aged 12 and under—seemed untouched by the deadly effects. Somehow, Project Newborn's strange chemistry granted them strength and wisdom beyond their years, yet froze them in time, barring them from growing up.
Time has passed and nightfall is on the horizon. Jonathan and Ava are in the lab working again past their shifts. “Is everything in order?” asked Jon as they prepare for the results of their testing.
“Yes, everything is ready.” Ava replied.
“Okay let’s see what we get.” Jon and Ava both wait anxiously watching the monitor hoping to see no active signs of the virus inside the blood samples. Ava occasionally distracted by Jon's pacing has bitten almost all her nails down from the anticipation. "Are you sure you sanitized everything?” Jon asked.
“Yes, for the fourth time everything is wiped clean.” says Ava hoping to reassure him.
Jon stops pacing and watches the chemical reactions on the monitor. The plant’s rapid response to human blood shocked them as the virus completely disappeared.
Ava is in awe. “Jon, are you seeing this?” She asked tugging the sleeve of Jon's lab coat. “It’s working Jon, it’s really working. Its… Its…”
“It’s a miracle.” said Jon.
“Jon, you did it! You did it Jon the virus…” shouts Ava, filled with joy.
“It’s gone.” He stares at Ava and soon a big smile shines from his face and they begin jumping up and down uncontrollably. “Finally, the World Virus is gone!” Shouts Jon.
"I can't believe it Jon! It really worked!" says Ava happily.
"I know!" Jon gives her a high five and he cheerfully thinks about his father wishing he could see him after so many bitter thoughts. He grabs the plant holding it in his arms believing all is saved and they can finally grow up again.
"Jon..." Suddenly Ava stopped celebrating. “Jon, listen.”
"Come on, Ava, the world is saved." Jon smiled at her, though he sensed her unease. "Sure, we have a little more work to do, but it's all downhill from here... What's the matter?"
Ava's expression turned serious as she grabbed Jon's wrist tightly, needing to get his full attention. "Jon, we have to get out of here," she said firmly.
"What?" Jon asked, taken aback and confused.
"There's no time to explain, but we need to erase any traces of our work, and get you out of here," Ava insisted, pulling him toward his computer. "Don't worry, I've already made copies of everything. Now we just have to delete it all from the hard drives."
Jon stared at Ava, his confusion growing. "Ava, what's going on? What are you talking about?"
Ava began swiftly deleting all their recorded work from the computers. "There," she said, glancing at Jon, who is in disbelief of her sudden actions.
"Jon, listen to me. Everything you know about Alex Caldwell is a lie. Right now, I need you to trust me. There's someone waiting for you, someone who can protect you. She's been watching over you all along. We need to leave as if it's just another normal night," Ava explained urgently.
Jon chuckled nervously, trying to lighten the mood. "Ava, come on, this has to be a joke, right?"
"I'm serious, Jon! Alex will kill you once he has the cure!" Said Ava, with a stern tone. Jon froze, shocked by Ava's intensity. He took a moment to process her words as she continued.
"There are people here to protect you, but we needed Alex's resources to help you find the cure. And now that you have, it’s time Jon... it’s time to go," Ava's voice was softer but urgent hoping to convince him.
Jon looks at Ava with a mix of confusion and concern. "Ava, what are you saying? Who's protecting me? And Alex... None of this makes sense."
Just then, Desmond opened the lab door and Ava was startled. Curious, he entered the room and stared at them both.
Ava’s mind raced with fear. "Desmond, I have great news! We have a cure for the virus! The world is saved," Jon exclaimed eagerly.
Desmond's expression changed instantly, pleased to hear Jon's words. "Then we better let Mr. Caldwell know of your success.” he said happily. “Come with me," his smirk tinged with an unsettling edge as he laid a hand on Jon’s shoulder. "Jonathan Oats, you are about to deliver the greatest news Alex Caldwell has ever heard."
"Wow," Jon said, feeling proud. Before leaving, he turned back to Ava. "Ava, everything is going to be okay now, I promise. Don't worry, I’ll be right back, okay?"
Desmond and Jon walked out the lab and Ava fell to her knees with a heavy heart. Reaching into her coat pocket she took out her radio.
Desmond and Jon, with plant in hand, walk down the empty hallway that is usually filled with children. All the lab rooms are vacant and Jon feeling relieved, thinks to himself what new horizons the world will accomplish.
In his hospital bed, John Oats, creator of Project Life, has now been blamed for the world’s downfall. His mobility lost, John, a widowed husband, struggled to focus his eyes as a figure entered his room and took a seat beside him. Gradually, his blurred vision cleared enough to recognize Vennis Newborn, who reached out and clasped John’s hand, tears streaming down his face.
In that solemn moment, Vennis confessed everything. He revealed how he had deceitfully incorporated the fatal formula of Project Newborn into Project Life. He disclosed his secret testing of Project Newborn after being rejected by the WSA, and how all his subjects had eventually died. Vennis admitted his envy of John’s success and acknowledged that his actions were the gravest mistake ever made. Now, void of all the consequences, Vennis sought the forgiveness of his only friend to ease his tormented soul.
Alex Caldwell had just concluded a meeting with his governors overseeing Finnegan and Iron City in his conference room. As the monitors around the table turned off, Alex began speaking with Julian, the leader of the Vipers.
"Again, Julian, I want them all disposed of. I would have relied on the Gressive alone, but Baby Hair might be more capable than I expected."
"Alex..." Desmond interrupted, standing with Jon at the doorway.
"Desmond! You still haven’t learned yet, have you?!" Reacting sharply Alex's frustration grew but when he saw Jon standing next to Desmond, he quickly composed himself, changing his tone, putting on a friendly smile. "You should have knocked before entering, Desmond, you know this. Especially with our leading scientist..."
"I have an update!" Desmond announced proudly, smirking.
"Oh!" Alex's demeanor instantly brightened. "Are we serious?! Is that so, Mr. Oats?"
"Yes, Mr. Caldwell," Jon replied nervously, as was his habit in Alex's presence. "It appears that my father inadvertently and ingeniously created a cure during his experiments. And now... we have it..."
"Jon Oats!" Alex exclaimed, making Jon jump. He slowly clapped his hands together, as Desmond nodded in satisfaction. "Jonathan, the smart guy, Oats! What did I tell you, Desmond!"
Jon chuckled trying to match Alex's newfound excitement. "Well, it seems you're as happy about this as I am, Mr. Caldwell."
"Of course, Jonathan! I'm exhilarated!" Alex pronounced emphatically. "So tell me, what do you have there? Is that it?" he asked eagerly, pointing at the plant in Jon's hand.
"Yes, indeed, sir," Jon replied, encouraged by Alex's keen interest. "While creating this remarkably adaptive organism, my father cut his finger. Drops of his blood, pure human blood, fell into its roots and transformed it into an entirely new plant. It was born without a purpose... until now."
Alex tapped his fingers together, listening intently so as not to miss a word of Jon's explanation. "It has a thick, bright green stem with a variety of exotic flowers sprouting from it. The plant is densely packed with tiny leaves, each one unique in shape, like snowflakes."
Alex nods, smiling.
"Not only did my father create a new plant, but it's infused with human DNA. The World Virus is harmless to this plant and the blood within it. Why? I don't know, because the makeup of this plant is similar to the virus but yet it continues to thrive."
Jon mused, delving into the mysteries of his father's work.
"I've only scratched the surface, but I've concluded that this plant was designed to render Project Life utterly harmless. Jon in deep thought finishes his speech and Alex claps his hands applauding his efforts. Desmond stands behind Jon and grabs his shoulders with his large hands.
Alex snatches his suit jacket from the conference table. “You’ve succeeded just as I believed you would, and everything the Oracle advised has been accomplished. Not one detail overlooked. And now, with the cure in hand, the World Virus will soon be perfected, and I can finally carry out my next plan.”
“You’ve spoken with the Oracle?” Jon asked, eyes wide with shock. “I thought she was just... a myth.”
“Oh Jon, there are so many things I’ve prepared, it would blow your mind,” Alex says with a chuckle, draping his jacket over his shoulders. “But the Oracle, she’s not your concern. Your job is done. And so are you.”
"But Mr. Caldwell, we still have to break down this plant. We must study everything about it and then we can start helping people.” Jon said with urgency.
“Say no more, Jon. I understand. But like I said, your job is done. I will have my best scientists finish your work and I’m positive we won't wait long for what you’ve just explained,” Alex replied confidently.
“Mr. Caldwell, if it’s okay with you, I would like to take the lead on this. I know I will handle this with the proper care it needs." Explained Jon, filled with emotion. "This is very important to me.”
Looking at Julian, who had been speechless the entire time, Alex snickered. “It’s a shame, Jon Oats, you're a great asset. It's hard to let someone as beneficial as you go.”
Jon was confused. “Mr. Caldwell, what do you mean? There’s still so much to do, and I don’t want to leave it in the hands of the other scientists. No offense to them, but I just don’t want to take any chances.” Jon said, not realizing what Alex was hinting at.
Alex couldn’t help but laugh aloud, “I would have loved to keep you around, but the Oracle is right. You know way too much now. I’m sorry Jon, but like father like son, neither of you will see your dreams come true."
Suddenly, everything seemed to move in slow motion for Jon. He stared at Alex, who was calmly fixing his tie, as Desmond places his thumb on the back of his neck. “Wait, what?! Mr. Caldwell, this plant is the hope of all mankind. We will die if this virus stays in us! Don’t you understand that?!” Jon grabbed his chest. He felt his heart beginning to pound as if someone was hitting him with a sledgehammer.
“Oh yes, I’m fully aware of that. That’s why I will become one with it,” Alex said with a sinister smile.
Julian sensing the presence of another, reaches for the sword sheathed on his back. A fire extinguisher crashes through the window and tumbles onto the floor, landing in the middle of everyone. They all freeze as thick white mist spews out, quickly filling the room.
Jon, overwhelmed by fear, ducked down, not knowing what was happening. He looked around frantically, trying to see through the haze as he hears a familiar voice shouting his name.
“Jon, get out of here!” They said, but he couldn't see. Instead, he crawled on the floor, waving one hand in front of him while clutching the plant with the other. After feeling the breeze coming from the broken window, he managed to stand but the clashing sounds around the room put him on edge. As the smoke cleared, he saw Desmond leaning against the wall groaning in pain with two large needles sticking out of his chest.
“And who might this be, Mr. Oats? Your little pet?” Alex said, smiling. Jon turned around and was surprised to see Kozomi. She was holding a spear with the tip against Alex's neck, while Julian blocked her fatal stab with his sword. "Ha! Another failed attempt to take my life."
“Your domination ends here, Alex Caldwell!” declared Kozomi.
Desmond plucked the two needles out of his chest. "You alright over there?" asked Alex.
"I shot him with enough tranquilizer to take out an elephant," said Kozomi. "He'll be sleeping soon."
"Will he?" said Alex as Julian deflected her weapon away from him. Kozomi jumped back, droplets of Alex’s blood sliding down the tip of her spear.
Alex grabbed a handkerchief from his suit pocket and wiped the blood from the small cut on his neck. “Julian, get rid of her. Desmond, get rid of him.” He unbuttoned his sleeves and started walking out of the room. “I don’t think I want to see trash getting dumped.
"Where are you going, coward?! Come back here and fight!" shouted Kozomi. Julian rushes her and Kozomi distracted, barely evades him as the fine edge of his sword cuts a few strands of her hair. Then he threw his sword at her feet but Kozomi, reacting quickly, leaped backward and fell on her back as his sword pierced the floor.
"Hmph..." murmured Julian, impressed by her agility. He pulls a thin transparent wire attached to his sword and yanks it out of the ground catching it effortlessly by the handle. Sensing the menacing aura coming from Julian, Kozomi was relieved to be unscathed until a cool sensation dripped from her nose to her upper lip. Touching her head, she flinched from a sharp sting and saw blood on her fingers from a small cut between her brows. Julian smirked as Desmond stood up, quickly shaking his head and fighting off the effects of the tranquilizer.
"But... how?" Kozomi said surprised the tranquilizers didn’t knock him out. Desmond turned his attention to Jon, who was still stunned to find Kozomi right in front of him, dressed in an all-black tracksuit.
"Professor, get out of here!" Her panicked cry pierced through Jon's paralysis. "Professor, run!" Her voice echoed in his mind, but he was trapped in a vacuum of his own thoughts.
"Why is Kozomi here? Why is this happening? Alex Caldwell wants... to kill me? Desmond too? But... why? I thought they... cared..." His mind was a whirlwind of unanswered questions, and the unbearable weight of betrayal.
But Kozomi's voice kept cutting through. "Professor, run to the window! Hurry!" Julian charged towards her with his sword raised, and Kozomi met him head-on, their weapons clashing violently.
Jon finally listened and with newfound resolve, he sprinted towards the shattered window, shards of glass crunching under his feet. Desmond ran after him, but the tranquilizers sent him crashing to the ground.
Jon looked at the long rope dangling outside from the window above. Fear gripped his heart as he realized he was on the fourth floor. He knew what he had to do, but survival was far from guaranteed.
Clutching the container tightly, Jon wrapped his hand around the rope and threw himself into the abyss. "Ahhhhh!" He screamed as he descended, the ground rushing towards him with terrifying speed. He landed hard but scrambled to his feet, ignoring the pain that shot through his legs.
Quickly scanning his surroundings, Jon spotted a fence looming in the darkness and wasted no time running towards it.
As he ran alongside it, Jon felt desperation rising. The fence seemed impenetrable until miraculously he found a small gap underneath just big enough for his small frame.
"No!" Jon cried, thinking he was caught as his lab coat was snagged. Panic surged through him and with a rush of adrenaline, he fought against the snag, pushing with every ounce of strength until he finally broke free and collapsed on the other side.
Breathing heavily, Jon turned around, realizing it was just his coat that was caught, and he wasn’t in Desmond’s clutches. Relief flooded through him briefly, until he squints his eyes and sees someone standing near a street light, in the distance. Suddenly they run towards him with a burst of speed.
Inside the conference room, chairs are flipped over and scattered. Kozomi, playing keep away, cautiously circles the conference table, her eyes locked on Julian, searching for an opportunity to escape through the window.
"So, you're just another one of Alex's pawns, willing to do anything for a few scraps of food?" She taunts, keeping her distance. "What a typical henchman you are."
Julian smirks, his movements calculated. He makes sudden steps around the table nearly causing Kozomi to stumble. Julian's smirk widens and he leaps over the table slashing his sword. Kozomi reacts quickly, ducking underneath and emerging on the other side. Without hesitation she hurls her spear, and it pierces Julian's stomach.
She gasps, astonished at her own success. Julian drops his sword, grabbing the spear to pull it out. Seizing the moment, Kozomi heads for the window. But as she turns, Julian, to her disbelief, stands before her, arms crossed. Frightened and disturbed, Kozomi glances back.
To her horror, the Julian with the spear in his belly, his body crumbles into pieces, revealing only hollow insides. The spear falls to the floor, leaving Kozomi disoriented.
She turns back around, and Julian strikes her abdomen, knocking the wind out of her, rendering her unconscious.
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